
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Snake Oil

Back in the day, merchants used to set up their carts and peddle the cure all that cures all ailments. This practice has not stopped. Add scientific language to it and the following sounds both healthy and delectable:

Buy Copernicum. Known to aid with everything, particularly popsiculitis. From the makers of BS Inc.


  1. I know the types who go for that kind of stuff. In fact, a certain somebody (who shall remain unnamed) is an instant sucker for - I mean - is instantly intrigued by ANYTHING she reads and/or hears is all-natural, guaranteed to repair the damage done to our bodies from this decadent, processed, mass-produced and all-round evil lifestyle we live, that will also add 100 years to our lifespans.

    1. Haha. We all get suckered every now and then. Eat this, don't eat it. Buy this. Don't buy it.
      We could just live on air.

  2. It's amazing how little has changed. People look at these primitive examples of fraud remedies from the 19th century and laugh, thinking they know better now. And then they take a trip to the local pharmacy and load up on the 21st century counterparts of these very same products. Amazing!

  3. Related? I just heard that pop rocks don't contain rocks!

    1. I KNOW. Weird, huh?
      Next they'll tell us that Cocoa Pebbles don't contain pebbles.

    2. And Swedish Fish aren't fish!

  4. There were/are The Breatharians who believe we can exist only on light - no food, no water. Not sure how you sell something like that, but I'm certain ways have been found. A line from a W. C. Fields film, "I want to prove to you that I am honest in the worst way." I suppose we will always want an answer, a cure or will think we do. xo

  5. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a miracle cure for all?


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