
Saturday, September 22, 2012

I Took A Blogging Break And Then...

During my blogging vacation the following virtual headlines kept appearing; did VinnyC find an employer who actually appreciates his skills? What is the talented Sprite creating now? Did she post any pictures? I wonder what insightful or hilarious moments dbs is sharing. I have got to tell him about the incomprehensible post-it note I found. *Clap*. I hope Meg's move to Japan went smoothly. Life-saving Nubian disappeared for awhile. Hope she is alright. DocCyn, last I heard he was suffering from happiness.

I thought about other fellowers. Laoch, what information is he sharing and which denizens did he meet on his recent excursions? Alistair, who writes about history while cuddling his girls. Al, who is probably in the process of making fun of the last sentence. Marylinn, Claire and Jayne, whose lyrical writing relaxes me. Fellow geek David, who I could not visit during his GOT reviews. I wonder how his scifi writing is going.

Since I think about the lives and writings of my fellow blogger friends even when I am off the grid, I will have to rejoin the blogging world to find out how everyone has been faring. And please pick up this award while visiting.


  1. Welcome back.

    It's been a while. Too long even. Hope alls well and you are renewed, rejuvenated or whatever.

    Happy blogging!


    1. Thank you, yes it has.
      I am well, renewed, rejuvenated and whatever.

      Same to you and I will be by.

  2. A Liebster Blog (which I first misread as Lobster Blog...perhaps they are related). We have drifted in and out of our own summers. Just happy to have you back among us. I hope it was a real vacation for you. Happy Fall. xo

    1. Favorite and lobster do go well together. It has been a bit of a strange summer. Thank you for the welcome, could to be back.
      Yes it was and I managed a Firefly marathon.*Happiness*
      Here is to more words and not enough time.;)

  3. The move to Japan went well. I'm very happy to be here, it felt like coming home. I've posted several pictures on my blog, hope you enjoy them when you have the time. I've wondered how you were as well. Hope you enjoyed your break, but I'm glad to see you back!

    1. I had a feeling that going back to Japan would be an improvement.
      Just please don't start posting more than once a week, I won't be able to keep up.:)
      Good to be back.

  4. Great to see that you're back! Did you have fun on your vacation? Where'd you go? What'd you do? Was there a water slide? Did you take pics? Can I see? What'd you bring me?

    I'm still looking. At this point I'm willing to overlook appreciation in favor of actually willing to make a new member of staff permanent & not dragging out their probation as long as the law will allow.

    1. Thank you. Yes.Away.Played with sand and water.No.Yes.No.Sand?Mug? T-shirt? Are we there yet?

      That sucks.I really hope you find something where they don't do that.
      *fingers crossed*

  5. And all is right and good in Sprites world again.

    Yes I HAVE been creating. Yes there ARE pics :)

    1. Aaaaaaawwww.;)

      Wow. I just saw. You've been productive. Nice.
      Mermaid is my favorite.

  6. I hope things are going well.

    Agis Quod Adis.

    1. Relatively speaking, yes. I hope the same is true for you.

      :) One tries.
      Do or do not. There is no try. (Yoda)

  7. "...cuddling his girls."
    If THAT doesn't sound like a euphemism, nothing does.

  8. Great to see you back, Ant! And thanks, also, for the shout out. :)

    I've been too busy with personal issues over the past several months to get much writing done. But I've been itching to get back, so hopefully I'll do just that in the next few weeks.

    1. Thanks and your welcome.

      Sorry to hear that, hope you're alright.
      Good plan, hey you only have 2 months till the 'pocalypse.

  9. It's great to have you back, Ant. As I said on my blog, you have been missed.
    I'd love to hear more about your Firefly Marathon - pleeeeease? Pics? Drawings? Pencilled lines? (You may know I have a very soft for fireflies. . . )
    Love from Springing New Zealand

    1. Thank you Claire, I appreciate it.
      :) Firefly, the Whedon series. No drawing to report.
      I do understand, I have a general fondness for bioluminescent efficiency.
      Rub it in, you southerners. Winter is coming.

  10. Aw, so sweet Antares! Thank you for that.

    And like Claire and the others, I'm so happy to see you back here and writing! I'm still stumbling for my footing in Blogland. Have been overwhelmed with other projects, but I'm posting as I can. I miss it when I'm away for too long. :)


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